
Thursday, April 29, 2010

just more motivation to leave

Hello, my name is Amber.

And I've got those killer mood swings again.

Maybe it's just not my morning, but I am with silent anger today. It might rain on saturday, the day of mine and Diana's yard sale. It's perfect, beautiful weather all week, but on the day we have a yard sale it decides to rain? FML.

I'm very stressed about the coming weeks. I still have to watch like 3 or 4 movies for my film class and write 2 papers by next friday. I need to finish things up for my history class, finish my workbook for music reading, finishing filming for Thomas (hopefully I'll be done today). I still have to do my FAFSA. Classes in general are mundane and it's becoming more and more difficult to find the motivation to keep going to them. I still need to get a plane ticket to Diana's wedding in July.

I hate the way my body looks, I hate my clothes, I hate how horribly damaged my hair is, I hate that I always feel neglected (whether I am or not, I always feel castrated from everyone). It feels like I'm leaving for good and no one gives a shit. The way things are going, I might as well already be gone.

I know I've said I don't like Negative Nancys, and if you don't either, then just don't read this post. I try so hard to be a happy person, and a lot of the time I am, but lately I am just....not. I'm not particularly sad or angry at any particular thing, I'm just unhappy.

I've never felt so far apart from my friends or my family- I feel like we have nothing in common. I was at a bride's maids get-together the other night and for a while we just talked about getting married and having kids and being housewives. I mean, I have nothing against that, but it's weird when you're the only one who doesn't find that as appealing.

I have no idea what's going on in my family anymore. Melissa tries to keep me updated on things (apparently my grandma had to put her dog, Sable, down) but other than that, I don't really know. My brother and I don't talk, I rarely- RARELY- talk to my other sister Becky. My parents and I don't really talk that much. Everyone else is on the brink of stranger status. I don't get it. I mean, I've never really felt like I fit in with my family, like I was never really supposed to be there, but now it's like I'm really not there. At all. I sent out graduation invitations to everyone and I asked to please RSVP (Respondez S'il Vous Plais = Please respond), not a difficult concept, right? I find out from my dad that the only people going to my graduation are my parents, my brother and my sister Melissa. And you know, if they can't make it, fine. But if someone asks you to RSVP, you should RSVP! I would much rather you tell me you're not going than to ignore me completely.

I don't even know what to say anymore

Friday, April 23, 2010

take a break

Hello, my name is Amber.

And I have a problem.

I 'drunk-text' like a mother. Who doesn't though, really? So if you received any texts last night (I think I only talked to a total of three people), sorry about that haha. Times like this I'm kinda glad I still have a Twitter account because most of my messages went there.

Last night was SO fun. my bestie, Steph, was in town and we went to see the show the theatre did (Eurydice). Charlotte was there too and we decided to hit the bar after the show. Best idea ever. I never go to the bars here because one of them is creepy as hell and the other just blasts obnoxious country music AND rap- the two music genres that I loathe confined in one small bar- ick. Every now and then they'll play some Kings of Leon, but even then they only play Sex on Fire or Use Somebody (not saying those are bad songs, it just figures they'd only play their super famous songs. Thank you podunk small town)

So we get to the bar and me and Char go in before Steph (she was busy with something) and while me and Char are waiting in the entrance, safe from the rain, these two douche-cocks come in and think they are THE shit. They ask us what we're waiting for and we tell them we're waiting on our friend, which they probably thought was a lie. The manager of the bar steps outside for something and douche #1, ever so smoothly, tells the manager "It's okay, these ladies are with us". Yeah, as if the Dawghouze (yup, that's how it's spelled) is SO elite. There are only TWO bars in this town and since Goobers is the designated sexual harrassment establishment, it's not like Dawghouze rejects anyone unless they're trying to use a fake ID (and even then I wouldn't be surprised if they let that slide). Char is lucky, she has an engagement ring that wards off these kind of people. I have to resort to either ignoring them (sometimes difficult if they're the persistent breed of douche-cock) or issuing a verbal bitch slap. Unfortunately not everyone falls for the "I have a boyfriend" line, especially when you're not with "him" at the bar. By Steph's suggestion, I think I'll invest in a cheapy ring from like, Claire's, and say "oops, sorry- taken".

Luckily these guys aren't persistent, just annoying. The night goes on, I start with one of my favorite drinks, Sex with the Captain (Captain Morgan, cranberry juice...and something else that tastes good). Jeremy shows up and it's nice because we're four college cohorts having a drink together- no plans at getting hammered and partying like freshmen- no, we're adults now :p. More people that we know start showing up and we eventually move to the pool room because it's more quiet so we can chat and not have to yell over Kid Rock blaring in the speakers. Jacob buys me my next drink (Georgia Peach). The night continues.

Steph brought her awesome new camera and we take advantage of it. Being the social snobs that we tend to be, we decided to mock people (most commonly girls) who duck-face their photos. If you don't know what I mean, go here:

I don't do this to be malicious, I do it because it's funny. It would only be malicious if I didn't make fun of my self %90 of the time.

Later Steph sends me a text that there's a guy to my immediate right who keeps checking us out (that's what girls do; when we can't read each others' minds, we text- STEALTH!) and lo and behold: douche-cocks! I swear this guy is close enough to me to be my conjoined twin, I'm surprised I didn't notice this earlier. It would be understandable if there wasn't a lot of room, but we're in the pool hall on college night where everyone is in the main part of the bar/dancefloor. I continue to ignore him and he goes away.

Around this time one of my friends orders a White Russian and she lets me try it- new favorite drink. I order one once the waitress (are they called waitresses? bar girl? I dunno) comes by again. By this time I had long finished my Georgia Peach so I feel good enough to have another drink. After those first two drinks, I wasn't feeling tipsy at all, so it felt safe to order another. The White Russian is what did it though. I was feeling pretty damn good- a nice buzz- by the time I finished it. Lo and behold, Jacob wants to leave soon after his White Russian is delivered and asks me if I want it- why the hell not?

So I only payed for half of my drinks last night- and I don't mind a bit. What made it so fun was that while I did end up getting drunk, it was the perfect balance: I was still in control of my words and actions (proud to say I am NOT a sloppy drunk) and I had enoguh to where I didn't feel sick. My only problem is I text constantly when I drink. What can I say, everyone becomes more social when they drink, and I'm going to talk to you even if you aren't here.

That pretty much wraps up my night- we left after I finished my last drink and were on the hunt for food (naturally). McDonalds was closed- they're usually open for 24 hours starting on thursday to accomodate us drunk college kids- but for some reason they closed early. Steph and I headed to Allsup's for some munchies and I go home, snack a little and attempt to watch Modern Family on Hulu but I fell asleep about half way through haha. (ps- want to thank my sisters for introducing me to that show over Thanksgiving- hilarious).

10 points and a batch of kolachies if you actually read this entire post- I tend to be loquacious and it shows in my writing haha.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Hello, my name is Amber.

And this song keeps popping in my head.

Sooner or Later by The Grassroots is quite possibly the most unintentionally creepy love song I've ever heard.

"Sooner or later
Love is gonna get you
Sooner or later
Girl, you got to give in
Sooner or later
Love is gonna let you
Sooner or later
Love is gonna win"

I can just picture a girl running in slow motion down a street and this big yetti-thing chasing after her. Don't read too deep into that.

If I could describe these past couple of weeks, I would say "rocky". And then you would say "Yo, Adrian!".... lame attempt at a joke- I digress. The way I'm seeing things now is "It's always darkest before dawn". No matter how trivial, stressful, or heartbreaking my last few weeks as a collegiate are, it will be all the more wonderful getting out of New Mexico and really starting my own life. Not a life comprised of class schedules, grades and the FAFSA. I remember reveling in the freedom college presented to me after being in highschool and now I'm looking forward to the absolute freedom of being a degree-weilding adult.



Saturday, April 17, 2010

Let me clear something up...or at least attempt to

Hello again, I'm still Amber
haha, this blog makes absolute no sense. I have to laugh when I read what I was trying to explain. Essentially, everything is going to be okay.

Peace and Love

Hello, my name is Amber.

And spring is probably the worst time of the year for me.

Let me start this off by saying I am a Gemini. Now, I don't hold everything in astrology to be true, but you'll be surprised how accurate it can be. Being a Gemini is like having a dual personality sometimes (damn twins) which attributes to us being so fickle- good luck asking me what my favorite anything is because I can never decide. I once read that "dating a Gemini is like datng two different people", so you can begin to understand this "inner conflict".

Where this ties in with Spring? Don't worry baby birds, I'll feed ya.

Usually people experience seasonal depression in winter, right? It's cold, gets dark early, there's snow (ugh, that's the worst). But I get it in spring. I think the transition between seasons is what does it. One minute I'll be feeling fine and maybe 15 minutes later, for no reason, I become this cranky little bitch. Or I just become over-emotional and cry easily. Now I do have to admit, lately things have been pretty tough. I'm about to graduate (which is really exciting, but a little scary too) and raising money for the move and getting summer class bs organized is a little taxing. I still haven't found a proctor for my class and that's the most stressful thing I have. This is the only class I need to get my diploma. It's online and because it's a math class (and the math department consists of angry bitter trolls) I have to be out of town to take it- because if I were in town I could just wait to take it in person (which means staying another semester- not gonna happen). So finding a proctor is virtually the only thing keeping me from getting my degree. Community Colleges in SF and other places charge you $25/ hour for proctoring. One of them charges $50/hour for non-residents. Sylvan Learning Center charges $25/ half-hour. Can you think of anything more ludicrous? Paying someone THAT much money to watch me take a test and give me a formula sheet disgusts me.

Another thing I don't like about spring is "spring fever". It happens to us all, folks, and I hate is just as much as you do. I'm not saying "Waah! I want a boyfriend!" because frankly I'm not interested in relationships right now- it's pointless since I'm leaving in a little over a month- but damn, could I just get some attention at least? I mean I know I'm not a super fit size 6, I don't have a tan, I don't wear a bunch of makeup, and I don't exactly fix my hair all the time- but goddamnit I AM a pretty girl and my basket of crazy comes with all sorts of charm and charisma.

As of right now, I'm feeling fine. But who knows how soon that will change ;)

Peace and love

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hello, my name is Amber.

And I HAVE to share this with you.

I'm currently taking American history 101- I just needed an extra class so I could get my required hours and this class (specifically with Doc Elder) is notorious for being an easy A.

My favorite part about the class are his notes- they always make me laugh. They're full of pop-culture references. This one struck me and hence prompted me to write this blog. We're talking about the wars in early America like the French and Indian War, and the wars that the colonists had to fight in for England. After each section of notes, Doc Elder has a section titled "Interesting Doc Elder Observations". I would like to share Observation #5

[We used to believe that Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe as a haven for debtors who were being held in jail in England. Nice story, but not true. It was founded to protect the rich colonies of the Carolinas against a Spanish attack like those that had occurred during Queen Anne’s War. Thus, it’s like the scene in the movie “South Park” where the U.S. declares war on Canada and the army commander tells Chef (the guy who is in charge of all the black soldiers) that he’ll lead Operation Human Shield. Then he looks at the white soldiers and says they’re part of Operation Get Behind The Darkie. At that point Chef says “hey, haven’t you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation,” and the white commander says “sorry, son—I don’t listen to Rap music.”]

I'll be posting more of Doc Elder's Interesting Obsversations, because frankly, I think we could all use a chuckle.

peace and love

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

soon schmoon!

Hello, my name is Amber.

And in three and a half weeks, I walk the line.


It's all becoming very real to me that I will be donning a black cap and gown, cleaning out my apartment, selling a huge majority of my belongings and looking at Portales in a rear-view mirror as it fades into the horizon.

It hit me on Monday when my Sociology teacher told me how many weeks were left in the semester- it hit especially hard when Steph sent pics of the moving van. A lot of things are pacing through my mind. I wouldn't say that I'm much of a risk-taker, but I've done some things this year that I thought I'd never do. I wrote a well-received play, successfully played a character in a play that had ridiculous written all over it, modeled in the nude (still doing that acually), and am about to move over 1000 miles away.

My older sister moved to Tacoma, WA after she graduated high school and moved back to NM in Albuquerque a few years later (I think 3 or 4), my brother lived in Denver for a bit, then moved to Flagstaff, AZ and is currently back in Farmington. My other sister went to college in Albuquerque and is still there working in a dance group/company. My point being, as happy as they are, I want to leave NM and not come back unless to visit. Yes, I know the film industry is blossoming in NM but it doesn't mean I shouldn't see what else is there. Besides, everything is in either Alb. or Santa Fe- neither of which I would like to live.

I'm excited to see what SF has for me.

peace and love

Friday, April 9, 2010


One touch and my heart is pounding
Short of breath, fingertips quivering
Cheeks flushing
Lips pulsing
I crave just one more touch, one more caress
Don't let this be the last

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

you take the good, you take the bad

Hello, my name is Amber.

And.... and...

I have one class, ONE CLASS, to take over the summer to finish my degree. I tried registering online yesterday and all of the summer math classes are are Closed or "SR" (Whatever the hell that means). I talked to Fel and apparently the professor for math 107 is being finicky about who takes her class. I have to have her permission to take the class. So I wrote her a little e-mail telling her how I only need the one class to finish my degree and I won't be in Portales (let alone New Mexico) to take it.

I'm pretty nervous over this. I don't know what I'm going to do if she won't let me take the class.

OH! And get this: I was on the BA catalogue insead of the BFA because I was told the math wouldn't be so intense (wrong). Now when you're getting a BA, you have to have 2 years of another language- not 2 semesters. If you don't have the 2 years, then you get a BS. Apparently I was going to get a BS in Theatre- that makes no sense! There are 3 ways to get around it- either take the 2 years of language, take a language compitency exam, or look at your HS transcript for intermediate or higher language class you took.

I opted for the HS transcript- I took 2 years of French (hell, I was even French Club President for 2 years) and I was told to go to Registrar's. They were so fucking rude to me. Oh, and they lost my paperwork for graduation. After being treated like shit ad then ignored for about 10 minutes, I just walked out. Soon followed by a slight anxiety attack when I got to Fel. I really need to find a way to stop having anxiety attacks. I will say though that it was the first one I've had all year- so that's good I suppose.

Anyway, I'm back on the BFA catalogue since I have to take math 107. I just hope to god I can take it over the summer.

I've also notice that my postings are usually really negative. Probably because I only write when I'm upset...but I should also write when I'm happy, too.

On the brighter side of life- I can't believe I almost forgot- I'm getting a delicious amount in my tax return. $1800 to be exact. I was so worried about finding money to get to SF and that takes care of about half- I'm absolutely thrilled. Plus, it's been really nice outside (except for the wind). I'm really going to miss this hot weather. I'm not going to miss times like when it was 105 for a week last summer, that was a killer. But I am going to miss 85-90 degree weather and the smell of green chile's roasting at Smith's.

Oh well, adventure awaits :D

Peace and Love

Thursday, April 1, 2010

contrary to popular belief

Hello, my name is Amber.

And I am not Asian.

I thought that was obvious, but over the course of almost two years now I have had a handful of people ask me if I was indeed part Asian. It's not that I take offense to it, it's just....well, really far off.

I haven't posted anything in a little while, so let me go off on a quick lil tangent:
If you are a telemarketer calling a business and the person you're calling for just happens to be busy everytime you call- IT MEANS THEY DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. I can take a message and direct you to their voicemail as much as you want, but if they haven't called you back within the day or next morning, chances are they don't want your shit.

Case in point:

Three weeks ago I get a phone call at work.

Me: "ITS, this is Amber, how can I help you?"
Tele: "Hi! My name is Asher Miller. I'm calling from Rapid 7 Communications. I had already called the Ruidoso campus and Steve Miller directed me over to the Portales campus. He said I should speak with your IT Drector, Clark. I was just wondering if he was available by chance? We have some upgrades we would like to offer him."
Me:".....just one moment"

I find it incredibly annoying when people feel they have to tell you their life story- All I need to know is who you are, who you're calling with, and what company.

So, I transfer the call and ask Clark if I should take a message. Yes, take a message. Why the director and the managers don't just tell them 'no', don't know. All I'm sure of is no one is intersted in what they're selling.

Long story short, my buddy Asher calls numerous times a day for TWO WEEKS asking for Clark. You'd think he would take a hint when all three receptonists are telling him he's in a meeting or out of the office. And each day I can hear his patience getting thinner.

Finally over spring break, he calls again. I don't have to lie- Clark took the week off for vacation. I tell Asher this and I could practically hear the vein in his eye pop.

Me: "ITS, this is Amber, how can I help you?"
Asher: "Clark please, this is Asher Miller. I believe you guys just got back from Spring Break?"
Me: "no, sir, our spring break started on monday."
Asher: "Oh okay- Clark wouldn't happen to be aorund would he?"
Me: "no, he took the week off for vacation"
Asher: "Oh that is just so typical! I don't believe this."
Me: "Um, I'm sor-"
Asher: "Just what is your job there? What is it you do?"
Me: "I'm a receptionist."
Asher: "Are you CLARK'S receptionist? Is he your boss?"
Me: "No, the administrative assistant is my boss and Clark's receptionist. I'm a work-study student."
Asher: "Oh, you're work-sudy, huh?"
Me: "YES. Would you like to talk with our administrative assistant?"
Asher: "Well I guess so since NO ONE ELSE is around!"

Fuck you, Asher Miller. Fuck you with something hard and sand-papery.

My boss Bonnie talks to him- I don't hear exactly what she's saying but she's using her mom voice. Apparently though she found out exactly what he needed and referred Asher to one of the managers. And the cycle continues.

It's been a total of about a month now and Asher has been calling for one of the managers for about a week and a half. It has gotten to the point where we recognize his number. I won't even take his call- instead I dump him straight to voicemail. I'm sorry, but I don't go to work to be harrassed by irate telemarketers because they can't sell a product. Not my problem. The insane part now is that he's starting to call from a blocked number so we can't screen the call anymore.

I find that creepy.

The moral of the story is- Know when to give up. Asher Miller, you are long overdue.

Peace and Love