
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Let me clear something up...or at least attempt to

Hello again, I'm still Amber
haha, this blog makes absolute no sense. I have to laugh when I read what I was trying to explain. Essentially, everything is going to be okay.

Peace and Love

Hello, my name is Amber.

And spring is probably the worst time of the year for me.

Let me start this off by saying I am a Gemini. Now, I don't hold everything in astrology to be true, but you'll be surprised how accurate it can be. Being a Gemini is like having a dual personality sometimes (damn twins) which attributes to us being so fickle- good luck asking me what my favorite anything is because I can never decide. I once read that "dating a Gemini is like datng two different people", so you can begin to understand this "inner conflict".

Where this ties in with Spring? Don't worry baby birds, I'll feed ya.

Usually people experience seasonal depression in winter, right? It's cold, gets dark early, there's snow (ugh, that's the worst). But I get it in spring. I think the transition between seasons is what does it. One minute I'll be feeling fine and maybe 15 minutes later, for no reason, I become this cranky little bitch. Or I just become over-emotional and cry easily. Now I do have to admit, lately things have been pretty tough. I'm about to graduate (which is really exciting, but a little scary too) and raising money for the move and getting summer class bs organized is a little taxing. I still haven't found a proctor for my class and that's the most stressful thing I have. This is the only class I need to get my diploma. It's online and because it's a math class (and the math department consists of angry bitter trolls) I have to be out of town to take it- because if I were in town I could just wait to take it in person (which means staying another semester- not gonna happen). So finding a proctor is virtually the only thing keeping me from getting my degree. Community Colleges in SF and other places charge you $25/ hour for proctoring. One of them charges $50/hour for non-residents. Sylvan Learning Center charges $25/ half-hour. Can you think of anything more ludicrous? Paying someone THAT much money to watch me take a test and give me a formula sheet disgusts me.

Another thing I don't like about spring is "spring fever". It happens to us all, folks, and I hate is just as much as you do. I'm not saying "Waah! I want a boyfriend!" because frankly I'm not interested in relationships right now- it's pointless since I'm leaving in a little over a month- but damn, could I just get some attention at least? I mean I know I'm not a super fit size 6, I don't have a tan, I don't wear a bunch of makeup, and I don't exactly fix my hair all the time- but goddamnit I AM a pretty girl and my basket of crazy comes with all sorts of charm and charisma.

As of right now, I'm feeling fine. But who knows how soon that will change ;)

Peace and love


  1. I feel you on the "Spring Fever" thing for sure. I really wonder what biologically/chemically causes that.

    Also yeah, this is Jacob Lackner if that wasn't obvious, I too am blogging on blogspot and figured I should "follow" you..only my blog is about baseball, so you really won't care to read it. haha.

  2. You don't know me, but I saw your post on DIllon's blog and was bored at 5:20 AM so there. I wanted to share that my friend pointed out to me years ago that I get oddly depressed, irritable and suffocated during the spring time. I'm not a gemini either, I'm a Leo. Yet I know why I hate it. I'm not the most sunshiney person, in fact I'm all of 12 (yes I counted) people who despises summer. I just prefer winter, whether it be the snow, which mostly I could do without (I'm from WY) but I do enjoy my flip flop weather. I just think my body realizes the weather is gearing up to be nice and it doesn't appreciate it, which that reason still remains unknown.

    Seasonal affective disorder for me though does work in a backwards manner. They (by "they" I mean the conspirators in the world) think that it has to do with cabin fever and the idea that people feel locked in during the winter. Which can make sense for my issues during spring, since I want to get out and I feel closed in during the spring time. Like a weird senioritis or something. Anyway, that's my theory in the subject.

    I say truck on, hang in there and "insert further cliche life affirming mantras and such". Also graduating is over rated. That is all.

  3. I just realized I said Dillon on that last post. I meant Cade. Totally mixed those two boy's blogs up there for a second!
