
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sleeping Lessons

Hello, my name is Amber.

And I'm an insomniac. Well, ish.

During the semester, I'm fortunate enough to have a busy schedule that forces me to be at work and class between 8am and 5pm, and even later if I'm doing something for a show so I'm just exhausted enough to go bed at a decent hour. But weekends (and not just weekends, but particularly the summer) are where sleep deprivation becomes my new best friend. We stay up all night and she convinces me to brainstorm plays, make lists of things to donate to goodwill (or as of late- things to sell for a yard sale because my broke ass needs provisions when I graduate), making grocery lists, cleaning my bedroom, space out and day dream (ironic?) about what my next day/week/year will be like. Do not underestimate my power to space out- I can go for HOURS (but that's another blog). I'll paint my toe nails and think about how I want to get my hair cut and check my Facebook JUST ONE LAST TIME.

Oh, but when I DO go to bed at a decent hour, I wake up in the middle of the night. Every night, some time between 3 andd 4. I don't know why- I have a couple of theories why...but again, that's another blog entirely.

My favorite part about being wide awake at these ridiculous hours are the infomercials. I think about half of my channels have infomercial after hours. There's the occasional "Extreme Workout Set!" and numerous kitchen appliances that, I admit, I totally want. But there are some things out there that are beyond my comprehension.

1. HD glasses-
"See the world in HD!"
I don't even have a witty comment for that.

2. Catheters-
"Stop using dirty catheters!"
This is implying people ARE using dirty catheters?
I was pretty thrown off when I saw this commercial. I was expecting an elderly woman at the Grand Canyon talking about how much she loved her Hover 'Round- not how badly she needed clean catheters.

3. Snuggie- for dogs
I thought dogs had fur. Why the HELL would they need a snuggie?

I think one of the down sides of being a night owl in this town is the fact that everything closes at 10 pm, if not earlier. So since I'm awake, it's not like I can go out and do something rather than become an infomercial connoiseur or make a 6th revised list of what to sell.

K, that's enough bitchin'. I've honestly been trying to write this blog for about 2 1/2 hours now, but inbetween multi-tasking and that wonderful ability to space out I mentioned earlier, I haven't gotten very far.

Long story short- "I don't sleep well"

Peace and love

1 comment:

  1. Infomercials are the debbil! I was totally sucked into the magic bullet and watched it about a dozen times. When I got it I figured I'd make all kinds of smoothies,omlets, and salsa. Instead I realized it's just a tiny impractical blender. I recently saw the magic bullet infomercial on the Spanish language channel, same exact one but with horrible voice overs in Spanish. I watched the whole thing...
